About ¡Hola Speekee!

¡Hola Speekee! is our 10-week series of free Spanish lessons for children at home.

  • A free 10-week program with activities for three different age groups: up to 7 years, 7 to 9 years and 9-11 years
  • There is 1 theme per week
  • Free Spanish lesson plans which are easy for you to follow
  • Free Spanish videos with real Spanish children in real Spanish locations
  • Free Spanish audio clips to perfect pronunciation
  • Free Spanish games and activities for children to complete alone or with family members
  • Free Spanish printables to complement each lesson plan
  • No registration, login or payment is required

Over the 10 weeks you will cover the following 10 themes:

Greetings. Numbers. Days / Months. Age. Colours. Animals. Family. Food. Likes and dislikes. Hobbies.

1Greetings2Numbers3Days and months4Age5Colours6Animals7Family8Food9Likes and dislikes10Hobbies


Activity 1

Watch the video where bestfriends Julia, Ana Belén and Maggie introduce themselves to us.

They say:


‘Me llamo (own name)’.

Now it’s your turn!

Practise introducing yourself. Then you can introduce yourself to someone else.

When you feel confident with this, print off the activity sheet and follow the instructions on there, or if you don't have a printer just copy the sentences onto some paper.

Activity 2

Dani and Ana Belén love going to the park. Watch this video where Dani rings Ana Belén to organise a trip there.

You will learn what some of their conversation means another time, so here’s the important bits to know for now:

Dani: ¿Qué tal? 

Ana Belén: Muy bien. ¿Y tú? 

In English, this means:

Dani: How are you?

Ana Belén: Very well, how about you?

Now you can practise saying this! It’s best to find someone else to do it with, so you can take it in turns to ask and reply.

An example conversation would be:

Person 1: Hola. ¿Qué tal?

Person 2: Muy bien. ¿Y tú?

Person 1: Muy bien.

If you’re feeling adventurous you could also use ‘no muy bien’, which means ‘not very well’

You could also build on the previous activity and introduce yourself first with your name.

When you have practised this a few times, print off the activity sheet and follow the instructions on there. If you don't have a printer, just draw your own faces and copy the sentences onto some paper.



Speekee® Accelerate

Homeschool Spanish curriculum for children aged 8+

Children aged 8+ love learning Spanish with Speekee® Accelerate.

Parents love our 40-week structured program for Spanish. View lesson plans online, or have them emailed to you once per week.
